
Our wonderful volunteers are central to the success of the Café! Whether serving on the Board of Directors, helping in the kitchen, working on special events, teaching classes or being a companion, our volunteers are involved in every aspect of the Café.

If you are interested in being a volunteer, please click here to fill out our Volunteer Interest Form. Our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you for an initial intake and screening.

Volunteer opportunities include:

Café Companions

Description: Café Companions are specially trained volunteers who foster a positive and healthy ambience within the Café. Companions are committed to being a focused, welcoming and supportive influence for Café members. Companions serve by listening without judgment, creating a safe and gentle space for members and contribute to the smooth running of the Café. Most volunteer positions require Café Companion training which is provided.

  • Skills: Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age with the ability to acknowledge and celebrate each individual’s unique value in the world.

Board Member

Description: The RCSJ Board holds and guides the vision, values, policies, and practices of the organization. Board members have a strong emotional commitment to RCSJ and show it through offering their wealth, work, wisdom, and witness. A full job description is available.

  • Interests / Skills: Strategic thinking and leadership skills. A range of expertise is valuable on the Board including legal accounting, personnel, marketing, fundraising, and organizational leadership
  • Obligation: Board members all commit to contributing financially to RCSJ as well as either raising additional funds through their networks or assisting in fund development activities

Meal Preparation and Cleaning

Description: Work alongside our Culinary and Nutrition Coordinator and Cafe members to prepare lunch daily (Monday – Friday) . Prep work, cooking, and clean-up are all involved. Training in commercial kitchen procedures will be provided.

  • Interests / Skills: Like to cook and help with putting together and cleaning up a great meal. Works well as a team, flexible


Description: Recovery Cafe San Jose is supported through the generous donations from the community. we have many ways of fundraising including special events. Closing the Gap  is our annual major fundraising event.

  • Interest / Skills: People who love to help raise funds or planning a meaningful and fun event and watch it happen successfully! Ability to work well on a team which will organize the details needed to do quality fundraising  – logistics, marketing and promotion, hospitality and follow-up
  • Meets: The fundraising Committee meets twice per month.

Activity or Class Leader

Description: Our schedule of activities for members are mostly volunteer led. They range from regular weekly activities, such as arts & crafts or music, to in-depth courses on recovery topics under our School for Recovery. Please see our Programs page for more details and ideas.

  • Meets: School for Recovery courses are one hour weekly for eight weeks (four semesters per year), plus prep time. Other activities are on-going throughout the year
  • Current Need: While we appreciate all suggestions for new classes and activities, please be aware that we have limited time in our program schedule to add new ongoing activities or courses. One-time, guest speakers, on topics related to our mission, are easier to schedule

Office Support

Description: Assist “behind the scenes” with copying, filing, and/or data entry tasks. Occasional help is needed preparing large mailings, stuffing envelopes, etc.

  • Meets: As needed. May be “seasonal,” such as in preparation for an event or fundraising campaign