Mission & Vision

Recovery Cafe San Jose is a healing community for those traumatized by addiction, homelessness, and mental health challenges.

Recovery Cafe San Jose is founded on the belief that every human being is precious, worthy of love and deserving of the opportunities to fulfill his or her potential. In this loving community people who cannot afford long-term recovery services come to belong, heal and know themselves as loved.

In this sanctuary from the streets, the Cafe helps participants develop tools and access other community resources for stabilizing recovery. Meaningful daily activities and a positive community are powerful forces that help break the patterns and challenges of addiction, unemployment and homelessness.

Recovery Cafe San Jose is a place for:

  • Those who have been recently housed and want to stay on track with their goals
  • Those who complete residential treatment programs and need daily structure and support
  • Those living with a diagnosis who need community to combat isolation
  • Young adults dealing with the pressure to use substances to cope with life’s challenges
  • Parents struggling with substance use who want to keep their families intact
  • People living on the street seeking to make steps toward recovery and stability
  • Those who are reentering the community from prison and seeking a sober and strong re-entry

As our community continues to face the challenge of increased drug use among young adults, and growth in the number of homeless encampments, RCSJ invests in daily, accessible, long-term recovery support to effectively address those challenges.