It was a series of circumstances. I heard about Recovery Café San Jose through AA and then a friend, Linda, told me about it. Ultimately, Pastor Dana at First Christian Church spoke about this new recovery community and I thought I had better go and see for myself.
I came to the Café three weeks after it opened so about three years.
I’m a Companion, a person who offers support to members as they come to Recovery Café. We eat together, talk, share experiences and grow to really appreciate each other in the safe space of the Café.
I facilitate “Daily Dish,” a drop in discussion and support group for folks in recovery.
I also facilitate a Recovery Circle, a support group that focuses on recovery issues. Recently, I became a member because I wanted to attend the classes offered at the Café.
Being at the Café I really feel part of the fellowship. I’m learning how to live fully as a human being and a man. I’ve learned to feel my emotions. I’ve developed spiritually from AA, my church and Recovery Café.
I love it all. I’ve learned to be myself and I’m looking forward to Open Mic nights; they are really fun!