Recovery Cafe San Jose has Moved!

POSTED: March 31, 2017 under Blog Renovation
Photo: Opening day for RCSJ at San Jose First United Methodist Church

Recovery Cafe San Jose has relocated (temporarily!) to San Jose First United Methodist Church (SJFUMC) at 24 North 5th Street, right across from City Hall.

Opening day, on March 14th, was a great success, with over 50 members and guests joining us for our first lunch at SJFUMC. We’re thrilled with the hospitality of our hosts, and their welcoming of our members to their home. The space is bright, with great views of City Hall.

Our hours while at SJFUMC are: Tuesdays 12:30-5:30 – Wednesdays 12:30-6:00 – Thursdays 12:30-4:30 – Fridays 12:30-4:30.

Construction is about to get underway on our permanent home at First Christian Church (FCC); transforming our space into our dream Cafe. We will have a new commercial kitchen and espresso bar, through which we’ll be able to launch our kitchen and barista training programs for our members, as well as improved classrooms and dining area.

We expect to be able to move home to FCC in September or October of this year.