Member Profile: Nicole B

POSTED: March 31, 2017 under Blog Member Profiles

Our Cafe Manager, Lisa, sat down with Nicole to hear about her recovery journey and how Recovery Cafe has helped her along the way.

What brought you to Recovery Cafe San Jose?

I heard about Recovery Café through Downtown Streets Team (DST). I was picking up the DST truck from the Café parking lot and saw a sign outside. I was interested in recovery so I went in one day. It felt magical, spiritual, it felt right. People were very giving of themselves.

How has Recovery Cafe helped you in your recovery?

You got all week? It helped me in the beginning stages to keep me busy and stay clean. It gave me things to do during the day and stopped me from isolating. At the Café everyday I am around people that are happy and on the same journey as me. When I first came into the Cafe I was using dope every day for the last 8 years. When I went through New Member Introduction I signed a contract that I would be sober while in the Cafe. At first I could not agree to that so, I stopped coming. I wanted to come back to the Café so I stopped using. Being in the Cafe helped me get over my insecurities and prevented me from isolating. Since being a member I have not been isolating and have been more people oriented, caring and loving to people and to myself.

Recovery Cafe’s moto is ‘A Place to Belong and Grow.’ How has Recovery Cafe helped you belong and grow?

It certainly helped me achieve that for my life. I was able to be myself. People were there for me in my recovery and it helped my blossom into the person I am today.

What School for Recovery classes did you take and what did you like about them?

I took Healing Shame which kept me informed and brought me closer to opening up about my personal recovery. I also took Building a Strong Recovery Foundation with Joe who understands addiction and recovery and is very insightful.

What would you say to someone who was considering becoming a member of Recovery Cafe?

I would say it is the best choice that they could make in their life. Because you guys are there for all aspects of recovery and the journey. If you are looking for a job they have all the resources. And the food is wonderful.